LogTrace System – LTS

Lagafors’® new logging system, LogTrace System, was developed to help our customers manage their cleaning processes, ensure traceability, provide a system of metrics for critical parameters, including alarm features, as well as documentation. This product is comprised of logging pipes equipped with meters and sensors, as well as a data-gathering unit and wireless internet connection. Using a secure login via internet, the customer can view the status and history for one or more systems. Automatic alarm thresholds can be set for critical parameters, for example chemical concentration and a text message (SMS) is sent to the person responsible when the threshold value is passed. This makes for an active system enabling actions to be taken that ensure optimal hygienic results. Being able to measure running time is a process management tool that has proven to be much appreciated. Log Trace System can also communicate with all industrial computer systems such as Profinet, Profibus mm.

System features:
• Logging
• Traceability
• Measurability
• Documentation
• Alarms for various parameters
• Consumption reports
• Cost reports

LTS Product sheet (PDF)


  • Logging of all parameters for all media
  • Traceability
  • Alarm feature
  • Measurability
  • Data collection/presentation


  • Collection, optimization and comparative indexing
  • All collected data are saved for future reference
  • Ability to Immediately correct settings for cleaning process, either on-site or via mobile phone
  • Objective assessment of qualitative objectives
  • Tool for process management


  • Actual values compared to pre-set values, connected to alarm features and process parameters
  • For internal or external process monitoring
  • Ability to start or postpone production, depending on action
  • Benchmarking and Management by objectives
  • Optimizes critical parameters and enables Management by objectives